Rams Ready To Run

Rams Ready To Run

“Move with a purpose” That was the order for the day for the Rams. It kind of embodies the philosophy of coach Kei Childress’s tenure at Rancho. In four years he’s taken a perennial bottom dweller and moved them up the standings. However not fast enough for the coach. ” I feel we’re a year (more…)

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5 Questions Facing Rebels As Practice Starts

5 Questions Facing Rebels As Practice Starts

Las Vegas, NV The official start date for practice is here and all across the country teams are preparing to shape their seasons. Like everyone else in college basketball these days, the Rebels have had to rebuild this year, with a combination of recruits and transfers. Needless to say, the roster looks a lot different (more…)

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Legacy Preview

Legacy Preview

It’s fitting that coach Colin Darfour brings snacks to practice, because Legacy was so close to state last year, they could taste it. The Longhorns suffered a heartbreaking 3 overtime playoff loss last season, as a combination of missed layups and tough calls kept them one game short of a trip to Thomas and Mack. (more…)

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